Exclusive: Twitter Is Starting To Remove “Dox” Material Posted By Anarchist Violent Extremists


Twitter has started removing private information of right-wing individuals from the social media platform, The Main Street Tribune can report.

The practice, known as “doxing,” has been totally banned by the company since April, but the rules were selectively enforced depending on the political ideology of the offender until now.

According to multiple sources, they were able to report private information anarchist paramilitary groups published on the site in recent days and got it taken down.

Prior to the Elon Musk change of staff at the company, Twitter deliberately ignored safety concerns of victims if they were right-wing, suggesting support for the dangerous activity among Twitter’s former employees and ownership.

Below are several examples provided to us of Twitter doxes, some from months ago, being taken down today and yesterday.

“Antifa,” a catch-all term for the coalition of communist, anarchist and liberal organizations who embrace gang violence and blackmail as a means to force opponents into political compliance, has been using platforms such as Twitter to post the private information of individuals who hold philosophical disagreements with left-wing extremists for years.

Antifa-linked activists and bloggers often obtain this private data through hacking and cybercrime, illegal uses of government databases, and other fraudulent means. They then proceed to use it to get a subject fired from their job, frighten their families or even to coordinate physical violence against them.

According to a 2020 class action lawsuit (currently in its appeals phase) which named Twitter as a defendant, leftists openly used the microblogging service to coordinate campaigns of harassment, threats and real-world violence against private citizens they believed might be Donald Trump voters, devout Christian activists or supporters of pro-white causes.

Victims of the harassment campaign reported data such as their place of work or personal addresses, which has always been banned by Twitter’s Terms of Service, to no avail.

Though many censored persons are disappointed that Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter has been mostly cosmetic so far, the more consistent application of rules moderating content and behavior to leftist trolls is a palatable change.